- Weak people rally around fame. 弱者总是延续弱势。
- Anti-war protesters Rally around world. 反战集会。
- I know you always prey on weak people. 我知道你总是虎视眈眈以强凌弱。
- Weak people are often called "Lin daiyu". 人们常常用“林黛玉”借指体弱多病的人。
- The third generation of leaders of the Central Committee should win the trust of the people,so that they will rally around it. 第三代的领导要取信于民,要得到人民对这个集体的信任,使人民团结在一个他们所相信的党中央领导集体周围。
- The third generation of leaders of the Central Committee should win the trust of the people, so that they will rally around it. 第三代的领导要取信于民,要得到人民对这个集体的信任,使人民团结在一个他们所相信的党中央领导集体周围。
- I still believe that if we rally around them now and support them in the right way, the Haitian people can reclaim their destiny. 我现在仍然相信,只要我们不离不弃,帮助海地人民,他们还是能够改变自己的命运。
- However, West Nile virus can cause death in older or weak people. 但西尼罗河病毒感染仅导致老年人和身体虚弱者死亡。
- It is unclear who social conservatives would rally around if they wanted to kneecap the front-runner. 如果,保守人士想阻碍朱利亚尼赢得选举,他们会转而助谁一臂之力尚且不明。
- If he or she can articulate it well, others will rally around that vision and willingly sign up for the project. 如果他或她可以很好地将远景表达出来,其他人将围绕此远景并参与专案的工作。
- The vast majority of the people rallied to the new government. 大多数人民站在新政府一边。
- For the elderly and the weak people,it can improve metabolism,strengthen the body immunity. 对年老体弱者还能促进新陈代谢,增强机体购乐学的免疫功能。
- We need a new definition that policy makers, technology creators, parents, and educators can rally around. 我们需要政策制定人、技术创造者、家长和教育者能团结在其周围的新定义。
- But in the name of stressing market principal, the new conservatism actually ignores even sacrifices the weak people's interests. 对弱者利益的关注,如果不是成为一种讽刺,至少也不再是一种英国式绅士的美德了。
- Troops rallied around their leader. 部队重新集合在指挥官周围。
- His supporters rallied around him. 他的拥护者聚集在他的周围。
- We should strengthen the Building of village-level supporting organizations which rally around village Party organizations. 加强以村党组织为核心的村级组织配套建设.
- The oxygen in high-pressure and small-volume cylinder is mainly used for diving, breeding, mountaineering, oxygen supply for the aged of weak people and emergency medical use etc. 小容积高压氧气瓶气体,主要用于潜水、养殖、高山缺氧、老弱病人的补给供氧和紧急医疗用氧等用途。
- We will count on you to rally around the show, to recruit new viewers with the same grass-roots energy, intensity and volume you have displayed in recent weeks. 我们将依靠各位,运用近几周大家展示出来的民众精神,力量以及庞大的数量给予该剧不断的支持并吸纳新的观众。
- The public continues to rally around Steve’s daughter, Bindi, who has her own TV series and kids’ fitness DVD, Bindi Irwin with Steve Irwin &the Croc Men. 大众继续对团结在以史蒂夫的女儿宾迪,他们有自己的电视系列节目和孩子们健身的DVD ,宾迪欧文与史帝夫厄文&鳄鱼男人。